
The aim of the protection of market competition is primarily to create benefits for consumers and equal conditions for all entrepreneurs on the market, who, acting in accordance with the existing rules and competing on the market with the quality, price and innovation of their products and services, contribute to the overall development of the economy.

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Amendments to the Act on the prohibition of unfair trading practices in the business-to-business food supply chain – seminar in the Croatian Chamber of the Economy

The revised Act on the prohibition of unfair trading practices in the business-to-business food supply chain (UTPs Act) came into force in March this year. Members of the Croatian Chamber of the Economy (HGK) requested some explanations relating to certain revisions, prompting the HGK to organize a seminar to have these changes explained.

The seminar, held on May 24th, gathered over 70 participants from the member companies engaged in trade and production industries. Presentations were given by Juraj Orenda, Head of the Wine and Market Regulation Service at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, followed by the experts from the Croatian Competition Agency – Tajana Blagojević, senior advisor in the Unfair Trading Practices Legal Issues Department, and Vlatka Vrkić, head of Unfair Trading Practices Economic Issues Department.