The aim of the protection of market competition is primarily to create benefits for consumers and equal conditions for all entrepreneurs on the market, who, acting in accordance with the existing rules and competing on the market with the quality, price and innovation of their products and services, contribute to the overall development of the economy.
CCA extends three-month deadline for adoption of decision in Eagle Hills Zagreb Real Estate d.o.o., Sunčani Hvar d.d. and Sunčani Hvar nekretnine d.o.o. merger
The deadline for making the final decision in the compatibility assessment procedure that was opened by the CCA on 11 July 2024 in the merger case between Eagle Hills Zagreb Real Estate d.o.o., Sunčani Hvar d.d. and Sunčani Hvar nekretnine d.o.o., has been extended for three months and runs from 11 October 2024.
After the CCA received a complete notification of the concentration on 11 June 2024 it opened a compatibility assessment proceeding in Phase II regarding the implementation of concentration between the undertakings in the form of acquisition of direct controlling interest on a permanent basis over the undertaking Sunčani Hvar nekretnine d.o.o. by Eagle Hills Zagreb Real Estate, within the meaning of Article 15 paragraph 1 item 2 of the Competition Act, OG 79/09, 80/13, 41/21and 155/23, on which the notifying party has been properly notified.
The CCA found that the implementation of the concentration concerned could produce anticompetitive effects in the in the defined relevant markets and therefore made the decision to launch in-depth probe in the sense of Article 22 Article 3 of the Competition Act in connection with Article 39 thereof.
The CCA has therefore started the market investigation and asked for additional information and data from the relevant stakeholders (Ministry of Tourism and Sports, hotel chains, independent facilities, tourist boards, local self-government units, travel agencies, independent associations in tourism etc.)
In the sense of Article 57 paragraph 6 by way of derogation the CCA may extend the time limit for the adoption of the decision on the assessment of concentration where it finds necessary to carry out additional expertise or analyses relating to the facts of the case and the examination of evidence, about which it must inform the parties to the proceeding before the expiry of the prescribed time limit.
Since in the course of the proceeding the CCA received a significant amount of data and documentation and considering that responses to certain questionnaires are still expected after the CCA has sent the reminders for their submission, it is necessary to conduct additional analyses in order to establish the facts of the case.
Consequently, in accordance with Article 57 paragraph 6 of the Competition Act, the CCA has extended the deadline for deciding on the compatibility of the concentration concerned and informed the parties thereof.