
The aim of the protection of market competition is primarily to create benefits for consumers and equal conditions for all entrepreneurs on the market, who, acting in accordance with the existing rules and competing on the market with the quality, price and innovation of their products and services, contribute to the overall development of the economy.

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Monitoring of UTPs – European Commission questionnaire to suppliers in the agricultural and food supply chain on unfair trading practices

The European Commission (EC) is conducting its fifth annual survey to assess the effectiveness of measures taken by the EU in the context of unfair trading practices (UTPs) in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain, taking into account the sensitivity of the sector where trading practices are applied as a result of the evident imbalance in the bargaining power of the suppliers and buyers.

This survey is carried out across all Member States, and it targets suppliers at the different stages of the agricultural and food supply chain (production, trade, processing and wholesale).

The survey is opened until 17 December 2024.

It will take approximately 15 minutes to fill in this survey.

Once the survey is terminated, anonymised results will be published on the EC website.

Please find the questionnaire here