
The aim of the protection of market competition is primarily to create benefits for consumers and equal conditions for all entrepreneurs on the market, who, acting in accordance with the existing rules and competing on the market with the quality, price and innovation of their products and services, contribute to the overall development of the economy.

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Croatian Competition Agency and State Attorney’s Office sign cooperation agreement

On 10 June 2024 Mirta Kapural, PhD, president of the Competition Council, and Ivan Turudić, Chief State Attorney of the Republic of Croatia, signed a cooperation agreement aimed at enhancing collaboration in the area of competition, particularly in public procurement procedures.

The Croatian Competition Agency (CCA) and the State Attorney’s Office (DORH) will cooperate within their respective jurisdictions. DORH, as the body authorized to prosecute criminal offenses, is responsible for prosecuting crimes relating to violation of competition rules in the form of bid rigging in public procurement. The CCA as a legal entity with public authority performing tasks of a general, national, and regulatory nature related to competition, aims to ensure effective prosecution of these offenses under the jurisdiction of the State Attorney and to perform tasks related to competition effectively within its jurisdiction.

The cooperation will also involve the mutual provision of appropriate professional and technical assistance, continuous education of the CCA and DORH experts in the field of competition, inclusion in educational programs organized by any party or organization, and joint organization of educational events, professional gatherings, round tables, or conferences.